Renowned for his soulful renditions and captivating performances, Padma Shri Anup Jalota, the iconic figure in the world of Indian music, is all set to...
Sharmistha Chatterjee, the versatile and internationally acclaimed vocalist, has once again captivated listeners with her enchanting vocals in the brand new song “Tilasmi Bahein” from...
Jennifer Lopez has joined forces with dancehall powerhouse Sean Paul on her single “Can’t Get Enough” released on 5th April 2024. Lopez’s “Can’t Get Enough”...
Virgin Music Group, the world’s leading partner to independent artists, labels, and entrepreneurs, recently announced its partnership with 3AM Entertainment, the brainchild of British-born global...
Actor Rajesh Khera steps into the iconic role of Mahatma Gandhi, portraying the Father of the Nation in a compelling narrative that delves deep into...
Dhanda Nyoliwala, one of the most loved artists in Haryanvi rap, has dropped another chartbuster single, “Block,” on VYRL Haryanvi. Over the past year, Dhanda has set...
Please block your date for ‘Holi Ke Rang” on Sunday 24 March 2024, 6.30pm onwards. Venue: S.P. Jain Auditorium, Bhavan’s College Campus, Andheri west, Mumbai. ADMISSION FREE...