Renowned actress and National Awards winner Rituparna Sengupta graced the prestigious MAMI Film Festival for the premiere of her latest film, “Puratawn (The Ancient),” alongside...
The spiritual music landscape is forever transformed with the release of “AUM SWEET AUM”, a groundbreaking album that brings together the legendary ‘Bhajan Samrat’ Anup...
The 50th edition of Festember started on an optimistic note with our director, Ms G. Aghila, Mr Gurumurthy Kalyanaram from the founding batch of Festember...
Rishabh Kant, popularly known as The Rish, is back with his latest single, ‘Zehreeli,’ a song that takes listeners on an emotional journey through the...
In an aura of vibrant anticipation and artistic brilliance, a star-studded press conference was held to announce the upcoming release of “Mittran Da Challeya Truck...
The iconic 74th anniversary of Navbharat Times was marked by the grand celebration of ‘NBT Utsav – Samman Samaroh,’ an event that brought together the stars of Indian cinema...
Avra Banerjee recently earned the prestigious Intercontinental Music Award, a significant honor for global musicians. He triumphed in two distinct categories: World Music and Asian...
Fans of the King of Pop Michael Jackson have a reason to rejoice. Artists David May and B. Howard have collaborated to release a new version of the iconic...
Unleashing Laughter and Artistry at an event held recently, Sunil Grover Live Show Shines in Spectacular Display spearheaded by Hemant Kumar Rai, the Chairman of...