Distinguished K-pop virtuoso, Aoora, transcends cultural boundaries with his groundbreaking collaboration, “Oi Nasoni,” marking his triumphant entry into the vibrant world of Assamese music. Teaming...
Haryanvi sensation Sumit Parta, known for his chart-topping hit “Mote Peg,” is set to captivate audiences once again with the release of his latest single...
Virgin Music India, the country’s leading partner for independent artists, labels, and entrepreneurs, is thrilled to announce its distribution partnership with the twin singing sensations...
The International Day of Yoga is a global event that highlights the practice’s physical, mental, and spiritual benefits. As part of the celebrations, we are...
Song: Wallah Wallah Singer: Tamal Composer: Avra Banerjee “Wallah Wallah” is a captivating song subg by Tamal and composed by the talented Avra Banerjee. The...
“Shehr-e-dil” is a captivating song featuring the beautiful voices of Tamal and Sanchari. The composition by Avra Banerjee, coupled with Bhaswar Dasgupta’s heartfelt lyrics, creates...
“Roshni Kho Gayi” is a captivating song featuring the mesmerizing voices of Tamal and Riddhi. The composition by Avra Banerjee, coupled with the poignant lyrics...
‘Bhaari Nasha‘ is the follow-up to Daira’s previous single ‘Sab Dhuaan Hai.’ In addition to their debut album, the band has released three more singles...
In his latest single “Byaah,” Khasa Aala Chahar collaborates with VYRL Haryanvi, a wedding track that’s perfect for wedding festivities. ‘Byaah‘ is a fun song...