Musical Fortunes: What’s in store for you this week?

Aries (March 21-April 20)

A discreet sort of magnetism is in cards for you this week. This is the time to get in touch with your fiery element and let loose all the creative impulses you’ve been holding back. Maybe jam to a record or two while you’re at it?

Mercury will soon bump into Jupiter so watch out on their connection early in the week. Enhance your melodious superpowers with focus and and you’ll be unstoppable. Beware of flattery, though! You’re susceptible to it and it might come in the way of your musical progress.


Taurus (April 21-May 20)

There’s no time to keep calm! Mercury is coming to pay his annual visit and oh, the energy boost you’re about to receive! And it’s not a fleeting thing either. The messenger planet is here to stay for seven whole weeks, can you believe?

So unleash all your creative impulses. Nobody can hold you back this week. Especially you, budding singers. This is the time to let go of all the doubts you have about your capabilities. You can do it. Go sing your heart out, play your tunes, craft that masterpiece.


Gemini (May 21-June 20)

Dreams are your guide this week. That magical world you travel to at night can be a catalyst to your creativity. Every morning, try recalling and recording as much of your dreams as you can. This will also help with your wandering mind and give your mornings a self-exploratory touch, something that’s been missing from your life for a while now.

Tune in to random musical moments from time to time. It’ll uplift your spirits and keep your moods breezy throughout the week.


Cancer (June 21-July 21)

Tony Robbins, who? YOU are the motivational star of the week, Cancer! With Mercury jamming with Taurus and activating your social network, your words will hit the mark and have just the effect you want. All you have to do is be mindful of what opportunities to grab onto.

Always wanted to do some good, change the world? You got it! Tune into your kind heart this week and engage in some selfless acts. No matter how big or small, you creating that humble music with your actions is enough to get you into a grateful mood and bring happiness and positivity in someone else’s life as well.


Leo (July 22 – Aug 21)

Set your vision up, Leo. Think outside the box this week. With Jupiter and Mercury in courting, there are high chances you might feel drawn to minor squabbles. Don’t. Let it pass. No point in wasting your energy over people who don’t want to be convinced.

This is YOUR time. So, go ahead and seize the opportunity the cosmos is throwing your way this week. You don’t wanna waste this chance. Leave all your worry behind and just go for it!


Virgo (Aug 22 – Sept 21)

Travel is in cards for you, Virgo. Yes, you! Seems like you’ve been way too comfortable within those high walls you’ve built around yourself. It’s time to jump out of them and explore the world. It doesn’t have to be a long trip either. Baby steps work as well!
Just step out into the sun and watch how that little action inspires all the dominoes falling into place for you!


Libra (Sept 22 – Oct 22)

Palpable chemistry is in the cards for you, Libra. So don your seductive aura and run wild with it. But know your limits. As Mercury nestles into Taurus, you might feel an undeniable spark between you and someone who you know is bad news. Keep your head straught despite the mind-bending intimate cues.
Staying mindful through the roller-coaster of emotions you’re on this week will give you an insight into your wants and desires. Analyze them. Let them bubble up. Take comfort in a friend. Music works too. A few slow tunes should get you right into just the right zone.


Scorpio (Oct 23 – Nov 21)

This week is for deep late-night talks, secret fantasies, and letting go of resentments. Mercury and Taurus’ relationship reboot is going to affect you in several ways, all positive if you let them. Those heart to hearts that you’ve always dreamt of having with your lover are on the cards.

Your inner dialogues are about to be intensified. You’ll wear your heart on your sleeve throughout the week. This is a rare opportunity for you to spread that love around. Don’t keep it in. Feeling something for someone? Say it! Sing it at the top of your lungs. You deserve that novelty in your life.


Sagittarious (Nov 22 – Dec 20)

It’s the week of extremes, for you. From Flaming hot to cold to sizzling again, the universe is all set to send you on the ride of your life. So you better put your belt on or you might end up losing your balance.

Intense emotional fluctuations are on the way as well.

Your Saturn in Pisces may cause your moods to go up and down like a see-saw but don’ despair. Look at it as an opportunity. Just close your eyes and sway to your inner music. Let it flow through you. It might lead to some interesting discoveries.


Capricon (Dec 21 – Jan 19)

It’s a busy schedule for you this week. Household duties await and you must answer. You might have to curb your wild side to shift your attention to the things that matter. Your home, for one. Give it the time and attention it deserves.

Put your cleaning cap on and get set to work. Because oh the satisfaction you’ll feel afterwards! Who knows, you might get the idea for your next hit musical number while in the process? Nothing gets the creative juices flowing than doing chores, after all! Give it a go. What have you got to lose?


Aquarius (Jan 20 – Feb 18)

Your communicative skills are about to get an upgrade. The Sun, Mercury, and Jupiter are joining forces this week to elevate your finer qualities and take them to a level even you wouldn’t have dreamt of! What fun, isn’t it?

Why not use that dreamy time to create some music? The cosmos says this is the perfect time for something like that. Your third house is gleaming with opportunity. Fame, name, and a fair amount of game is in store for you. All you have to do is reach out!


Pisces (Feb 19 – March 20)

Focus on your wants this week. Really think about where you want your life directed to. The impulsive forces of Mercury are at a high at this point and you know what that means, don’t ya? Let the little rebel out and make some noise!

Later during the week, you might feel your artistic and romantic side flaring up far more than usual. Don’t curb it. Let it flow. Be mindful, though. This is exactly the right time to take a dive within your jumbled thoughts and begin arranging them in order. Who knows what you might find there?

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