

What is life without stress
Keeps us awake sans rest
Look at the greener side of the grass
It makes us give our best

A lonely spider spinning its web
Entangled, beaten and in pain
Would it have its heavenly home
Without testing failure time and again

A roller coaster ride it is
Pumping adrenaline and thrill
Without the downs its boredom
The ups could only kill

A moth challenged and strengthened
To weave its cocoon
A human cocooned in complacence
It’s a bane, not a boon

Our mind is the most faithful
Obeys only our command
Though even it gets confounded
If the master doesn’t demand

Be happy even when unsuccessful
Even if fate puts you down
Be prepared for the rise
The darkest is before the dawn

God keeps them connected
To allay human fears
Whether its sorrow or happiness
The gift is always tears

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