Pritesh Walia is a virtuoso jazz guitarist, accomplished composer, and dedicated educator hailing from the vibrant city of New Delhi, India. His musical journey began...
Aoora to Headline Anant Samagam 2024 organised by Aalekh Foundation as his YISFF Award-Winning Hit ‘Thi Thi Thara’ Captivates Global Audiences. K-pop sensation Aoora is...
In an aura of vibrant anticipation and artistic brilliance, a star-studded press conference was held to announce the upcoming release of “Mittran Da Challeya Truck...
In October 2004, just before Joel Turner’s 18th birthday, he was best known as the beatboxer discovered while auditioning for the first season of Australian...
Mika Singh the ‘King of Pop’ to set Dublin Square ablaze on 18th October 2024. Spearheaded by Vandana Sajnani Khattar and her artist management company...
TikTok has confirmed it will be closing down TikTok Music worldwide on November 28. It was widely seen as a potential ‘Spotify killer’ – a subscription streaming...
The iconic 74th anniversary of Navbharat Times was marked by the grand celebration of ‘NBT Utsav – Samman Samaroh,’ an event that brought together the stars of Indian cinema...