POET'S CORNERBLIND LOVETeam Raga2RockJanuary 19, 2023June 20, 2023 by Team Raga2RockJanuary 19, 2023June 20, 20230562 Open a World of Opportunities… Poets Corner is place where Songwriters can post their songs with the hope that their words can connect with Composers...
POET'S CORNERTHE CITIZEN REPOTERTeam Raga2RockJanuary 19, 2023June 20, 2023 by Team Raga2RockJanuary 19, 2023June 20, 20230624 Poets Corner Open a World of Opportunities… Poets Corner is place where Songwriters can post their songs with the hope that their words can connect...
POET'S CORNERI REFUSEYogesh KJanuary 9, 2023 by Yogesh KJanuary 9, 20230690 I refuse to shout “Jai Shree Ram”, so will I be killed? Will all the Hindu extremists be particularly thrilled? Where is the freedom of...
POET'S CORNERSAVING WATERYogesh KJanuary 5, 2023 by Yogesh KJanuary 5, 20230738 SAVING WATER Years from now there won’t be water to wash your face Every last drop saved for drinking, might be the case Bathing once...
POET'S CORNERTHE ROCKING SADHUSYogesh KJanuary 4, 2023 by Yogesh KJanuary 4, 20230676 THE ROCKING SADHUS We went in search of them They who lived bare Survived on what they found In places where no men dare We...
POET'S CORNEROLD FOLKS AT HOMEYogesh KJanuary 4, 2023 by Yogesh KJanuary 4, 20230677 OLD FOLKS AT HOME Those of you who have old folks at home are blessed Don’t think of them as a burden, this is a...
POET'S CORNERROAD TO NO-WHEREYogesh KJanuary 4, 2023 by Yogesh KJanuary 4, 20230799 ROAD TO NO-WHERE Waterfalls all around Makes my heart pound To the rhythm of the waves of the sea While mu memories jump in glee...
POET'S CORNERJUST KIDDING!Yogesh KJanuary 4, 2023 by Yogesh KJanuary 4, 20230670 JUST KIDDING! I was a kid someday Felt so close to the moon A ladder, a rope, a jump Could reach there soon Didn’t know...