As a result of receiving heartfelt appreciation and love throughout his journey on MTV Hustle, Paradox now releases his first single “Perfy” from the upcoming...
Newly-launched Tiger Baby Records will mark its first release with ‘Aaja Nindiya’, Ankur Tewari’s first single from his upcoming EP of the same name. It...
‘YouTube Music’, YouTube’s streaming service, is reportedly adding song and album credits. According to 9To5Google, users can now see the credits for a song while...
As the announcement of Season 2’s four Super winners approaches, Nexa Music is gearing up to announce the results. The NEXA Music platform, a first-of-its-kind...
Tiger Baby, founded by Zoya Akhtar and Reema Kagti, is widely regarded as one of the most forward-thinking production companies in Bollywood. The dynamic duo...
At the grand finale of Canara HSBC Life Insurance Company’s Season 5 of its flagship initiative #MeForMyCity where some of the finest music performances by folk singers from across the country...
The Homegrown Festival – India’s premiere Culture & Lifestyle Festival had its pre-event party with Shan Vincent De Paul a.k.a SVDP, the award winning Tamil Canadian...