Robbie Robertson, the brilliant guitarist and renowned songwriter behind the iconic Canadian-American ensemble, The Band, has passed away at the age of 80. A Farewell...
In the dynamic realm of music, where innovation and diversity intertwine, a record-breaking music disruptor named Vineet is making waves. His latest single, “Elevate,” delves...
Tips Industries Limited Rocks the Charts with Impressive Q1 2023 Financial Results Hey there, folks! we bringing you the scoop on the latest financial triumphs...
Watch the performance here- In a momentous occurrence that marks a significant epoch for both the realms of music and culture, the illustrious “DJ Sonia...
In the dynamic and vibrant realm of music, certain cities have etched their names indelibly, emerging as veritable hubs that exude melodies, rhythms, and harmonies....
In a momentous ode to Independence Day, the illustrious Indian musician Ricky Kej orchestrates a grand spectacle alongside the prestigious 100-member Royal Philharmonic Orchestra within...
In a historic moment that reverberated throughout the world of hip-hop, Amazon MiniTV’s renowned dance reality show, Hip Hop India, joined forces with Nissan to...
In 2023, the United Nations officially recognized it as the International Year of Millets, thanks to a proposal put forth by the Indian Government, under...