POET'S CORNERTHE BOMBWayne ReillyMarch 14, 2025February 15, 2025 by Wayne ReillyMarch 14, 2025February 15, 20250620 Will there be a tomorrow Will the sun shine again, Will there be blue skies Or just darkness and pain, Which of the top powers...
POET'S CORNERSatan’s LotWayne ReillyAugust 7, 2023March 13, 2024 by Wayne ReillyAugust 7, 2023March 13, 20240485 Meet Ronnie he never misses Sunday Mass Yet, He’s always got his finger up Russia’s arse That’s Zia scratching Ronnie’s balls This always drove up...
POET'S CORNERBlackTeam Raga2RockJuly 17, 2023July 20, 2023 by Team Raga2RockJuly 17, 2023July 20, 20230458 I was only eight now when you called me black The colour that, whats the colour of sunset, Then night isn’t white, what colour is...